Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Highschool & Stress

Hey Interwebs!

Well, if you haven't guessed by the post title today's post is about.....STRESS! Well highschool stress to be frank. Well I'm in grade 9 this year which for any Americanos is freshman year (I think..). And the amount of work is really getting to me. Oh and I should add.....

*this post is another rant-disclaimer*

I know, I know....school is meant to be hard and challenge you and when you complete education you get a sense of achievement and pride....but, this is now and right now sucks. And I know next year and the year after that are just going to get tougher. I mean I have a pretty busy schedule. I might list them actually....(I love lists...lol not really.)

1) I have netball practice every Thursday
2) Soccer practice every Monday
3) I like editing and making videos *cough*my youtube username is alpacagamer98*cough*
4) I also enjoy writing *cough* my wattpad username is rejectedreader*cough*
5)I neeeed time to watch my favourite youtubers,shows,and just free time in general
6)I'm a creative person and love drawing for hours on end

And on top of all that I have assignments,tests,and loads and loads of homework. Almost every single night. And on weekends. And before some of you go "well you have weekends and holidays, you lazy little BIATCH!" Well, that's not enough for me. Okay? I need lots and lots of leisure time....I'm quotes lazy.

Anyway what are some of you're thoughts on school and the amount of work you get? Is it manageable or are you at breaking point?

To be honest, I don't know how I do it. I can complete a task just before its sue and get a reasonable grade for it. I'm almost always pushing myself to get up and do my work.

And this may come as a shock... But I am a straight A student. *Gasp* I know...

This posts quotes is.....by RejectedGamer in advicetoughtimesalright, advice on 26 Feb 2013 from Wittyprofiles.com 


"You have to just hang in there. Every single day your going to wake up, push on through with a big smile on your face. Repeat."